Nostalgia Ride to Mets' Home Opener
Friday, April 4th, 12pm ET Departs 34 St-Hudson Yards on the 7 line Free with subway fare!
Let’s Go Mets! To help the Amazin’ Mets start their season, the museum’s redbirds will take flight across the 7 line, leaving from 34 St-Hudson Yards at 12pm on Friday, April 4th, and making several stops on the way to Mets-Willets Point. Whether you're a longtime Flushing Faithful or a first-time visitor to Citi Field, you’ll arrive at the ballpark feeling ready for the season. This is our year! From the first pitch to the final out, it's all about Mets magic.
* For information on the Yankees' Home Opener Nostalgia Ride, visit
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