Nostalgia Ride to Yankees' Home Opener
Thursday, March 27th, 12pm ET Departs from uptown 4 train platform at Grand Central-42 St Free with subway fare!
We're offering the perfect way to get into the spirit of baseball season and show off your pinstripe pride – a ride to Yankee Stadium aboard a 1917 IRT Lo-V train! Departing from Grand Central-42 St at 12pm on March 27th, the Yankees Nostalgia Train will run non-stop to 161 St-Yankee Stadium. As an added bonus to accommodate even more railfans, a configuration of IRT SMEE cars from the beloved Train of Many Colors will arrive immediately following the Lo-V Nostalgia Train. For just the cost of a MetroCard swipe or OMNY tap, riders can hop aboard a vintage train car of their choice and take a ride back in time on their way to cheer the New York Yankees to victory over the Milwaukee Brewers.
* For information on the Mets' Opening Day Nostalgia Ride, visit
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